dimanche 16 décembre 2012

To its geographical position, the old, beginning with the Romans, chose to make a citadel. It should be noted here that Carthage (Kart Hadash) the city founded by the Phoenicians in 814 JCest some three miles away, this small mountain has continued to play the role of a fortress or ribat since very early times until the twelfth century. It ensured the security, surveillance and defense of Carthage the Phoenicians in the seventh century BC. JC, and long after, Tunis since the beginning of the Arab conquest until the twelfth century, roughly corresponding to the installation of the Tunisian Hafsids. This hill was called "the Lighthouse Carthage" and after the Arab conquest, was called "Jebel el Marsa" and "Jebel el Manar" and since the end of the last century it was replaced officially appointed "Sidi Bou Said "when creating a town in these places in 1893. The village owes its name to a marabout called Abu Said.

Sidi bou said : Wonderfull !
Who is Abu Said?

This character, who gave his name to the village of great renown called Abu Said Ibn Khalaf Al Yahia Al Temimi Beji (1156-1231) was born in Beja old, small hamlet near Tunis, near the Manouba TODAY 'hui disappeared. At the beginning of his life, where he lives Tunis, after primary school, he attended the lectures of renowned masters of the Great Mosque of Zaytuna. This was the time when Sufism which was manifested in the Middle East North Africa won, until a foothold in the Maghreb. A great Sufi Abu Madian, lived long in Tunis, surrounded by followers.

Among these was Abu Said. When installed on the promontory, it was for religious reasons and warriors. he joined the soldiers who guarded the coast and defending Islam against infidels companies. In addition, Abu Said was engaged in meditation and spiritual exercises. His tour of duty ended, he was engaged in prayer and offering courses to his many students including Abu Al Hassan Al Chaduli (Sidi Belhassen) and held meetings with theological debates ..

For a long time, the promontory of Djebel El Manar remained empty of men. However, Abu Said gave it a prominent place in the eyes of the believing community. After the death of Abu Said, Hill continued to exert a pull on all those with a predisposition for i'tikaaf research and meditation. Hence many ascetics have found refuge Dhrif such as Sidi Sidi Bou Fares, Sidi Sha'baan, etc..
This is only the beginning of the eighteenth century that Hussein Bey built a mosque building-zaouia including the tomb of Abu Said.
Mahmoud Bey (1814-1824) there built a house near the mosque zaouia (later Dar Thameur). Since then, several families especially Beldis'''' of the Medina of Tunis built houses on the hill and in the environment of mauselée Sidi Bou Said to spend the summer. Hill became a resort, people come to spend his summer vacation, enjoy the mild climate, let live and entertain in an atmosphere of religious fervor. Marabout ceremonies were held the most importanteest the Kharja.

In the early twentieth century, Sidi Bou Said is a favorite place for artists and men of culture who were seduced by the village and its atmosphere. Artists and intellectuals, then, writers, architects, artists, filmmakers, etc.. to their home.
A prominent personality is strongly linked to the fate of the village. This is Baron Rodolphe d'Erlanger, British banker of German origin. This lover of music, full of good taste and painter, came for the first time in the village at the beginning of the century.
Struck by the beauty of the site, he resolved to elect domicile.Et then he built his palace he called "Nejma Ezzahra" architecture essentially Orientalist.
In his capacity as an eminent musicologist, he is the author of a treatise on Arabic music. It was originally the decree of August 6, 1915 Bey saving the village and it was he who pushed to create the white and blue of Sidi Bou Said.

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